A Socialist Labor Party Statement—
Why It’s Still With Us
Few problems demonstrate more graphically the vicious and antisocial characteristics
that the present social system engenders and prolongs than racism. Moreover,
that problem has, time and again, exposed the hypocrisy and opportunism of
politicians and various reformers, both so-called liberal and reactionary.
Decades of lip
service to minority rights and legislative action at the local, state and
federal level intended to extend and protect such rights have, at best, had
only limited
impact on some of the more overt effects of racism.
Taken as a whole, however, it is a grim and paradoxical fact that racial
tensions, bigotry and intolerance are on the increase throughout the nation.
Hate crimes
are reportedly at an all-time high. Why? Unfortunately, as with many serious
social issues and problems, the current increase in racial strife does not
lend itself to an easy explanation or a simple one-dimensional answer. In
fact, as
the Socialist Labor Party has noted in earlier treatments of racism and related
matters, issues connected to civil rights can seldom be readily answered
with strictly theoretical arguments or abstract formulations unsupported
by concrete
material evidence and logical reasoning. Thus, a categorical answer to each
of the increasing and varied number of racist incidents is not possible because
individually and collectively those incidents stem from a more complex issue
with many ramifications that need to be considered in their entire social
Specifically, to understand why virulent racism is still with us, one must
take into account that while a great deal of effort has been made, particularly
the civil rights movement made its appearance in the 1950s, to minimize and
alleviate the effects of racism, nothing whatever has been done to eliminate
the cause,
namely, the irrational, strife-ridden, class-divided capitalist system under
which we live.
As the Socialist Labor Party, in its publication Capitalism:
Breeder of Race Prejudice, noted: "Once one understands the nature
of the strife-ridden capitalist system and the economic and material factors
work in this society
one can readily see why the speciously attractive theory that prejudice may
be overcome through education and scientific refutation of the race-haters’ lies
is doomed to failure. For this theory is based on the fatuous premise that
race prejudice may be overcome by reforming people’s minds while leaving
untouched the social and economic conditions that breed [and feed] prejudice.”
This is not to say that there are none among the defenders of capitalism
that realize that economic factors play a very significant part in determining
attitudes. For example, Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen, in a recent
column warning that “A generation of bigots is coming of age,” noted
that recent data “strongly suggests that progress on racial attitudes is
being reversed—with contributions from both races. Worse, this is happening
at a time when the economic pie is shrinking [sic] and competition for jobs
increasing. If the economic trend continues, racial intolerance is likely
to grow.”
Cohen went on to note that those “programs” that resulted from the
civil rights movement and may have tended to encourage attitudes of racial tolerance
somewhat “were instituted during a period of [relatively] sustained economic
growth, a boom time especially for college graduates, when jobs were plentiful.
That’s no longer the case.”
It is significant that some of the most intense and sustained opposition
to efforts to extend economic and social equality to black people has come
from white workers
whose economic and social positions are closest to those of black workers.
Any improvement in the status of black workers is viewed as a “threat” by
white workers in the job and housing markets where the two are in constant
competition. The same is true in the field of education. Those fears are
exacerbated by economic
crises. Racism intensifies and spreads rapidly under the prod of sharpened
competition for diminished job and housing availability.
More than a century ago, Frederick Engels observed, or rather explained,
that “Competition
is the completest expression of the battle...which rules in modern civil
society. This battle, a battle for life, for existence, for everything, in
case of need
a battle of life and death, is fought not between the different classes of
society only, but also between the individual members of those classes. Each
is in the
way of the other, and each seeks to crowd out all who are in his way, and
to put himself in their place.” (Condition of the Working Class
in England)
The efforts of black workers and their families to improve their conditions,
particularly in the decaying urban ghettos, have led to another threatening
development. Those efforts have been seized upon by racist groups and distorted
into “explanations” of
the worsening conditions in those disintegrating urban ghettos, thereby not
only detracting attention from the real cause, but enticing white workers
into their
reactionary groups and activities. Whatever success the racist demagogues
and reactionaries have had in doing so is due primarily to the blindness
of the white
workers so enticed to their own class interests. Instead of making the connection
between the problems and concerns of black workers and the origins of their
own problems and fears, those white workers have aligned themselves with
their real
What makes all this even worse is the growing attachment of young people
to the racist movement. As a column on the op-ed page of the Aug. 25,1993,
New York
Times noted: “The white supremacist movement in the United States wears
a new and terrifying face. You could see it in the photographs that ran with
the hundreds of newspaper articles in July about a plot foiled in Los Angeles
to murder Rodney King [and a number of others]....
“The police say that this hellish scenario intended to ignite a race war
was masterminded by a 20-year-old man...a former Eagle Scout turned neo-Nazi...[described
one newspaper [as] ‘the epitome of the all-American boy.’”
One thing is certain. So long as the destructive competitive spirit generated
by capitalism continues to permeate every aspect of society, racism will
not only prevail, in many respects it will grow worse. For it is primarily
a product
of the conflicts generated among workers of all races as a result of the
competition for jobs, housing and social services, all of which are steadily
falling further
below the need and the demand.
The record of failure that marks decades-long efforts to eliminate racism
attests to the impossibility of overcoming that evil by a narrow and contrived
to any or all of its manifestations. It illustrates the need to treat those
manifestations, not in isolated frameworks, but in their full social context.
Bluntly stated,
the negative results to date are due to the fact that the basic cause of
racism hasn’t been admitted, let alone addressed.
As Robert Coles, a Harvard psychologist, put it during the bitter conflict
between blacks and whites over school busing in Boston almost 20 years ago: “The
ultimate reality is the reality of class. Having and not having is the real
issue. To talk only in terms of racism is to miss the point. Lower income
whites and
blacks are both competing for a very limited piece of the pie.”
If workers want to end that self-defeating competition, it is necessary that
they realize that racial antagonisms are a tactical measure of capitalism
to prevent working-class unity. A working class conscious of its political
and economic
potentials and of the means to achieve a livable world for all, can put an
end to economic insecurity and the interracial distrust it breeds by putting
an end
to capitalism.
Labor Party of America, P.O. Box 218, Mountain View, CA 94042-0218 • www.slp.org • socialists@slp.org